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Academic Achievement


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Journal paper
Entry YearWritingsAuthor
103Ho, L. C , J.-C. Chen and C.-Y. Chang,2014,Changes in the visual preference after stream remediation using an image power spectrum: Stone revetment construction in theNan-Shi-Ken stream, Taiwan,Ecological Engineering,71,pp426 - 431 (SCI)Li-Chih Ho
1032014,Is the clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa extinct in Taiwan, and could it be reintroduced? An assessment of prey and habitat, Oryx,49,2,pp261 - 269 (SCI)Yu-Ching Lai
103Chen Jin-Joun, Jeng Ching-Jiang,2014,Construction improvement measures discussing from the the phenomenon detected from the ground anchor,Professional Engineer Journal,67,pp42 - 49 (Others)Ching Jiang Jeng
103Chen, J.-C., Chuang, M.-R.,2014,Discharge of landslide-induced debris flows: case studies of Typhoon Morakot in southern Taiwan,Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,14,pp1719 - 1730 (SCI)Jinn-Chyi Chen
103Chen, J.-C.* Chen, Y.-J., Jia, J.-Y., Yang, Y.-R., Shieh, Y.-C.,2014,Investigation and Analysis on the Shinding Eastern Street Riverside and the Wutu River,Journal of art and design of Huafan university,9,pp131 - 146 (Others)Jinn-Chyi Chen
103Chen, J.-C., Hsiao, Y.-Y., Lin, C.-H., Lee, Y.-S.,2014,Investigation and Assessment on Riverside Space in the Shinding River,Journal of art and design of Huafan university,9,pp117 - 129 (Others)Jinn-Chyi Chen
103Ho, L.-C., Chen, J.-C.,2014,Changes in the visual preference after stream remediation using an image power spectrum: Stone revetment construction in theNan-Shi-Ken stream, Taiwan,Ecological Engineering,71,pp426 - 431 (SCI)Jinn-Chyi Chen
103Chen, J. C., and L. C. Ho,2013,Changes in the streambank landscape and vegetation recovery on a stone revetment using the image spectrum: Case study of the Nan-Shi-Ken stream, Taiwan,Ecological Engineering,61 (SCI)Li-Chih Ho
102Jinn-Chyi Chen, Ching-Jiang Jeng, Meng-Ru Chuang,2015,Numerical Simulation for Landslides Induced Debris flow –a Case Study of Hong-shui-xian Gully in Southern Taiwan,Sino-geotechnis,137,pp51 - 58 (Others)Ching Jiang Jeng
102Lin, Li-Ling, Wei-Chu Chen, Ke-Wei Lin, Shun-Ping Tsao,2013,A Study of Using Cluster Analysis to Improve Parameters Prediction of van Genuchten Model,Jour nal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation,44,4,pp324 - 334 (EI)Shun-Ping Tsao
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