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Journal paper
Entry YearWritingsAuthor
95Chen, J.-C.,2006,Application of risk and reliability analysis on hillslope, Science of Soil and Water Conservation,4,6,pp88 - 92 (Others)Jinn-Chyi Chen
95Chen, J.-c., Wang, H.-b., Shieh, C.-l., Lin, K.-l.,2006,A Case Study on Planning of Ecological Engineering in Pai-Bao River, Hualien County,Journal of art and design of Huafan university,2,pp173 - 189 (Others)Jinn-Chyi Chen
952006,,pp99 - 101 (Others)Hsiao-Home Wang
952006,,pp36 - 42 (Others)Hsiao-Home Wang
952005,GIS-based macro-habitat modeling and potential habitat mapping for larger mammals in upper Liukuei (Shanping) area,Quarterly Journal of Chinese Forestry,38,4,pp409 - 420 (Others)Yu-Ching Lai
94Chen, Wen-Fu, Jong-Hao Wang, Shun-Ping Tsao,Long-Shin Liang,2006,Investigation of Rainfall Spatial Variation in Watershed- Nan Shih Creek as An Example,Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,38,1,pp67 - 80 (Others)Shun-Ping Tsao
942005,,pp108 - 111 (Others)Hsiao-Home Wang
93Chen, J.-C., Shieh, C.-L., Lin, C.-W.,2004,Topographic Properties of Debris Flow in Centeral Taiwan,Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation,35,1,pp25 - 34 (Others)Jinn-Chyi Chen
871996,,pp68 - 69 (Others)Hsiao-Home Wang
851996,,3,1,pp63 - 77 (Others)Li-Chih Ho
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