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Academic Achievement


Yearto Year

Year Monthto
Year Month

Journal paper
Entry YearWritingsAuthor
972008,,第8卷,第1期,pp43 - 66 (Others)LI BENG CHUN
972008,,18,3,pp17 - 23 (Others)LI BENG CHUN
972008,Probabilistic Analysis of Landslide Potential of an Inclined Uniform Soil layer of Infinite Length – Application,Environmental Geology,54,6,pp1175 - 1183 (SCI),(EI)Jinn-Chyi Chen
972008,,第四期,pp166 - 180 (Others)Ching Jiang Jeng
972. Wu, L.C., Doong, D.J., Lee, B.C., Laurence Zsu-hsin Chuang and Kao, C.C,2008,Nonlinear Influences on Ocean Waves Observed by X-Band Radar,Marine Geophysical Researches, Vol. 29,pp 43 - 50 (SCI)LI BENG CHUN
972008,,48,2,pp221 - 229 (SCI)Ching Jiang Jeng
972007, Elaphe Carinata Carinata. Diet,Herpetological Review,38,2,pp206 - (Others)Yu-Ching Lai
972007,Map of biological diversity - geographic information system applications in natural resources management, Notes and Newsletter of Wildlifers,11,2,pp13 - 17 (Others)Yu-Ching Lai
962008,,49,pp90 - 103 (Others)Ching Jiang Jeng
96Chen, J.-C., Jan C.-D., Lee M.-S. ,2007,Probabilistic Analysis of Landslide Potential of an Inclined Uniform Soil layer of Infinite Length – Theorem”, Environmental Geology,51,7,pp1239 - 1248 (SCI),(EI)Jinn-Chyi Chen
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