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Teaching Lab
FieldInterdiscipline & other
TitleExperimental water-flow/debris-flow flume
Telephone No. 
ProfessorJinn-Chyi Chen
EquipmentExperimental water-flow/debris-flow flume
The experimental facility includes a main flume and a flood basin. The main flume with transparent sidewalls is 4.0-m long, 0.3-m wide, and 0.4-m deep. The flood basin is closely connected with the downstream end of the main flume and is 3.0-m long, 2.2-m wide, and 0.5-m deep. The main flume can be tilted from 0 to 30°, and the flood basin can be tilted from 0 to 6°. Water flow or debris flow behaviors can be observed and photographed from the sidewalls of the main flume. The inundation area of water flow or debris flow can be observed at the flood basin.
Reference Link 
cron web_use_log